Gwalior Smart City “TECH CHALLENGE 1.0” – 2020: Solving City Problems”
The announcement of the launch of the event “Gwalior Smart City ‘TECH CHALLENGE 1.0’ – 2020 on 24th Nov 2020 at Town Hall, Maharaj Bada, Gwalior. This event belongs to citizen of the Gwalior. The agenda of this event is to come out with the solution of city problems.
The chairperson of the event was CEO, Gwalior Smart City Development Corporation Limited “Ms Jayati Singh” and invited guests were Mr Sandeep Makin, Commissioner, Nagar Nigam & Mr. Kaushelendra Vikram Singh-Collector of Gwalior.
This will be ‘sprint-Like’ event in which software developers, app developers and domain experts will collaborate intensively for providing solutions for the following City based issues i.e.
- - Health Care (Diagnostic, Medicines, Appointment with Dr. services)
- - Women/Child Safety (Mob App/Software)
- - Data Management
- - Traffic Management
- - Water Management (Sewage/Drinking Water/Storm water)
- - Solid Waste Management
- - Pollution (Air/water etc.)
- - Others (Any Innovative city based - solution providing Idea)
Objective: Formal launching of DHIC, provide platform for aspiring startups/students to engage with the range of stakeholders including Government officials, Investors etc. The best innovative and solution-oriented ideas will be awarded and implemented by GSCDCL in Gwalior City will be recommended to other Smart Cities and in addition free and direct entry at DreamHatcher Incubation Center- An initiative of Gwalior Smart City Development Corporation Limited.
Agenda: Applications from all participants will be invited to submit idea online on www.dreamhatcher.in and submission will start on 24th Nov 2020 at 12 P.M.
Participants needs to submit their Idea by 6th Dec, 2020 and a screening committee will be evaluating idea on the basis of Innovation, Scalability, Usability (UI), Robust and Security features on 7th and 9th Dec 2020. The list of shortlisted candidates will be released on DreamHatcher and Gwalior Smart city website, also an email will be sent to candidates.
Prizes: Top 12 selected Participants will be given a chance to showcase their idea in front of GSCDCL Officials and sector experts. The total amount of prize money is 2 Lakhs. The top 6 participants will get a chance to win the prize money-
1st Prize – 50,000/- for top 2 ideas
2nd Prize – 30,000/- for top 2 ideas
3rd Prize 20,000/- for top 2 ideas and
Certificates of participation to another participant